1300 547 479 info@ossolar.com.au
368202C Electrical Contractor licence


Why solar energy is better?

Change the way our world is powered

Going Solar Saves The Environment, Money, and Time.

Our mission at OS Solar is to enable our customers to take control over the ever rising electricity costs and start generating cleaner, price protected power. Renewable energy has been proven to reduce carbon emissions from harmful fossil fuels. Switching to solar could save an average Australian household family up to 80% of their electricity bills.

Every hour, the sun shines enough light on Earth to power civilization for an entire year, and solar power system helps us to harness that power. Solar power also helps homeowners decrease their reliance on harmful, non-renewable energy sources. Contribute to our environment and start reducing our carbon footprint.

why solar energy is better

With a residential solar power system, it’s up to YOU, not the utility company, how you spend your money.

Save money with various incentives and rebate options with the wide range of incentives that may be available to you. From tax credits, rebates, government grants and schemes for households and individuals, there are many reasons to go solar today. For more information of related topics, visit the NSW Government information page

Save the Environment with renewable energy by switching to solar. It helps produce cleaner air today while building a better tomorrow for future generations. Think of your love ones, your children, and your family.

We do everything for you - from initial estimates, design, and installation to permit optimal sunlight intake. We also offer quality components designed to withstand the test of time, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Get More Helpful Tips

Visit our blog to learn more about all the issues today regarding why going solar matters. Find informative news and tips you can use on our blog to better help you learn more.

Read our Blog

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